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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi


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Hoyga xog ururinta buugaagta afsoomaliga ku qoran

Georgi L. Kapchits
Soomaali been ma maahmaahdo / Somalis do not lie in proverbs
Ponte Inivisibile, Pisa, 2012
ISBN: 88-88934-30-8 / 9788 -
Qiimaha: 12.80 Euro

Dr Georgi Kapchits' book "Soomaali been ma maahmaahdo-Somalis do not lie in proverbs" based on forty years of work on Somali proverbs. The introduction familiarises the reader with the modern theory of premiology, describes some literary features of Somali proverbs and sayings, and offers their classification, paving the way to the paremiological minimum of the Somali language. The first part of the book presents 249 of the most popular Somali proverbs and proverbial phrases in Somali, with an English translation. The second part provides the reader with several thousand Somali proverbs, the majority of which have been received from oral sources.

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Dr. Georgi Kapchits wuxuu dhashay 1939 kii. Sannadkii 1967 wuxuu ka qalin-jebiyey Istituutka lagu barto afafka Aasiya iyo Afrika ee ka tirsan Jaamacadda Moosko. Takhasuskiisu waa af-yaqaan u go'ay af-amxaariga iyo af-soomaali-ga.1967kii ilaa 1994 wuxuu ka shaqeeyey qaybta Soomaaliga ee idaacadda Moosko. Sannadkii 2000 kii ayuu difaacay PhD uu ka diyaariyey afsoomaaliga. "Soomaali been ma maahmaahdo-Somalis do not lie in proverbs" reflects some results of Dr. Georgi Kapchits' almost forty year study of Somali proverbial stock. Introduction familiarizes the reader with the modern theory of premiology, describes some literary features of Somali proverbs and sayings, offers their classification and paves the way to the paremiological minimum of the Somali language.
The bulk of the book consists of two parts. The first presents 249 most popular Somali proverbs and proverbial phrases obtained from a special experiment. Each text is cited in Somali, with an English translation and where necessary an explanatory comment. The second part provides the reader with several thousand Somali proverbs, the majority of which have been received from oral sources. They are cited in Somali and arranged according to their syntactic structure.

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Fadlan ogsoonow in hoygani u dhisan yahay wanaag iyo waxtarka horumarinta aqoonta afka somaliga ku qoran. REDSEA-ONLINE.COM waxay hubin doonaan faaladaada inta aanay kusoo daabicin halkan, waxba kama beddeli doono qoraalkaaga, laakiinse waxaanaanu xorriyad u qaadanaynaa in aanannu daabacin faalladii noola muuqata inay ka duwan tahay muhiimadda uu u dhashay hoygani. Qoraalada aanu soo daabacno waxaa ka jawaabaaya mas'uuliyaddooda ciddii qortey.

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REDSEA-ONLINE.COM, AfSomali Books Section

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