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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi suugaan |
Hoyga xog ururinta buugaagta afsoomaliga ku qoran redsea-online.com |
Anton Chekhov waxa turjumay Siciid Jaamac Xuseen Anton Chekhov - sheekooyin la soo xulay Ponte Invisibile, Pisa, 2011 ISBN: 9788888934280 -
From the introduction: the essence of this attempt at translating some of Chekhov’s short stories has been the fulfilment of the ambitious aim, albeit to a very small degree, of introducing the Somali reader to the cultural world of Chekhov through the glimpses of the realities Anton Chekhov artfully depicts in his own unique style of the world and culture of his time in Russia. Admittedly, no matter how hard we tried, we are non the less well aware of that much must have been lost in the process of translation, yet we hope that we have been able to a certain measure to contribute towards that objective.
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Siciid Jaamac Xuseen oo ay kaalmeeyeen Maxamed Xasan "Alto" iyo Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi "Gadhwayne" ayaa turjumay sheekooyin gaagaaban oo uu qorey qoraagii ruushka ahaa ee Anton Chekhov. |
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Fadlan ogsoonow in hoygani u dhisan yahay wanaag iyo waxtarka horumarinta aqoonta afka somaliga ku qoran. REDSEA-ONLINE.COM waxay hubin doonaan faaladaada inta aanay kusoo daabicin halkan, waxba kama beddeli doono qoraalkaaga, laakiinse waxaanaanu xorriyad u qaadanaynaa in aanannu daabacin faalladii noola muuqata inay ka duwan tahay muhiimadda uu u dhashay hoygani. Qoraalada aanu soo daabacno waxaa ka jawaabaaya mas'uuliyaddooda ciddii qortey. Mahad badan REDSEA-ONLINE.COM, AfSomali Books Section |
Editor Pick
A brilliant work co-ordinated through many continents by Rhoda A. Rage. Read it more |