Wisdom of the Day
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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi suugaan |
Hoyga xog ururinta buugaagta afsoomaliga ku qoran redsea-online.com |
Anwar Maxamed Diiriye Literature of Somali Onomastics & Proverbs Gobaad Communications & Press, Minneapolis, 2006 ISBN: 0-9726615-1-4 - Somali literature and culture Qiimaha: 25.00 USD
From the forward:
This Somali-English dictionary of Somali onomastics and proverbs is the result of a monumental effort on the part of the young Somali scholar, Mr. Anwar Maxamed Diiriye. It attempts to produce a reliable reference work that can serve not only the needs of any outsiders curious about Somali language and culture but also the crying needs of a new Somali generation in the diaspora who are either cut off or alienated from such culture.
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2005939091
Language: Bilingual (Somali & English)
Halkan ka eeg bandhig
(sawirka aftahan.org)
The author, Anwar Maxamed Diiriye is native of Somalia. He was born the Salamaca-dheer, a soft soiled grazing area southwest of Jiriiban district of the Mudug region, in approximately April 1968.
Mr. Diiriye is a Medical Laboratory Technologist by profession but he has a passion for history, culture, language and literature. He currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as an independent researcher. Mr. Diiriye is co-founder and the managing editor of Gobaad Socio-cultural and Literary Journal. He writes about social and health issues and he composes poetry in his spare time. Above all, Mr. Diiriye is a keen collector of both written and oral Somali materials. |
Faalada martida
- Akhriste - 2012-08-19 20:05:45
Kery - glombardo@macdermid.com Every time I come to this site I find something that I have to try! This is siialmr to the Iraqi cardamom coffee that my husband loves, but I have never made it using milk. Will definitely take your suggestion- this would be perfect with dates. This looks delicious, mashaAllah

- Akhriste - 2012-08-19 06:47:53
Nisha - 927638312@qq.com Wacalaykum Assalaam Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu,Walaasheenna qaaliga ah Deeqa. Aad ayaad ugu mdsaaan tahay faalladaada fiican. Waan ku faraxnay inaad ka-hesheen Xawaash adiga iyo reerkaada. Molokhia ama Mulukhiy waxaa loo yaqaannaa Jute leaves. Waxaad ka-heli kartaa dukaamada carabta (middle eastern groceries), Laxm Xalaalyada qaarkoodna waa laga helaa.

- Akhriste - 2011-12-12 02:07:51
Mustafe Ahmed Abdi - mustafedeeq2011@hotmail.com waan u mahadnaqayaa qoraaga dadaal ka iyo cilmi baadhista u sameeyay wax badan oo la yaab leh ayaa ku jira buuga

- Akhriste - 2011-05-23 10:03:56
c/qaadir - dadirow_bihi@hotmail.com buugaan waa i qanciyay saso ay thy wana heli karin abwan anwarow marka arrintas xal u raadiyoo arday soomaaliyeed ban ahaye soomaaligaan ad u xiseeyaaaaaaaaaa

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Fadlan ogsoonow in hoygani u dhisan yahay wanaag iyo waxtarka horumarinta aqoonta afka somaliga ku qoran. REDSEA-ONLINE.COM waxay hubin doonaan faaladaada inta aanay kusoo daabicin halkan, waxba kama beddeli doono qoraalkaaga, laakiinse waxaanaanu xorriyad u qaadanaynaa in aanannu daabacin faalladii noola muuqata inay ka duwan tahay muhiimadda uu u dhashay hoygani. Qoraalada aanu soo daabacno waxaa ka jawaabaaya mas'uuliyaddooda ciddii qortey. Mahad badan REDSEA-ONLINE.COM, AfSomali Books Section |
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A brilliant work co-ordinated through many continents by Rhoda A. Rage. Read it more |