Wisdom of the Day
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Qalinkaa wax suureeya,
Kugu sima halkaad doonto,
Saaxiib kal furan weeye,
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa,
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
"Sahra" - M I W Hadraawi suugaan |
Hoyga xog ururinta buugaagta afsoomaliga ku qoran redsea-online.com |
Amina Souleiman Xeedho Dumar Wadaag Aleel Lagu Xadhkeeyay / Shells on a Woven Cord MAMA - Hooyada Africada Bari, 92 bog, 2000 ISBN: 0-9531101-2-5 -
M.A.M.A. East African Women's Group talk about their lives in East Africa and as refugees in England through a blend of traditional stories and real life experiences.
Shells on a Woven Cord won the prestigious Raymond Williams Community Publishing Prize and was dramatized by BBC Radio 4.
"These women are tough: they jeep talking while their men are out making war. What is distintive about this collection by Somali women writers in Sheffield is precisely that sense of diverse voices making a community out of the stories they tell, and offering us, no matter how different we are, a bridge into that world"
Prof. Lynette Hunter
Professor of Rhetoric at Gresham College and of the History of Rhetoric at the University of Leeds
Somali women in Sheffield set up the MAMA - east africa womens group. Amina Souleiman with serveral other author, including Mandy Sutter, are editors of books published by MAMA. |
Faalada martida
Ma jiraan cid faallaysay ilaa hadda! bilow adigu Faallee buuggan / Comment this book |
Fadlan ogsoonow in hoygani u dhisan yahay wanaag iyo waxtarka horumarinta aqoonta afka somaliga ku qoran. REDSEA-ONLINE.COM waxay hubin doonaan faaladaada inta aanay kusoo daabicin halkan, waxba kama beddeli doono qoraalkaaga, laakiinse waxaanaanu xorriyad u qaadanaynaa in aanannu daabacin faalladii noola muuqata inay ka duwan tahay muhiimadda uu u dhashay hoygani. Qoraalada aanu soo daabacno waxaa ka jawaabaaya mas'uuliyaddooda ciddii qortey. Mahad badan REDSEA-ONLINE.COM, AfSomali Books Section |
Editor Pick
A brilliant work co-ordinated through many continents by Rhoda A. Rage. Read it more |